・School of Rock
This is a movie site. The movie name is “School of Rock”. A man who love music from the bottom of his heart is hired by an elementary school, he form a band with the children who is good at an instrument. Naturally, he keeps secret the band to the elementary school, he aim at victory at a band contest.
・Red Carpet
This is a site about a program. The program name is RedCarpet. In the program, many comedians perform for about one minute, and many examiners judge the performances. The comedians are very funny, so the program is so exciting. The comedian who were selected as the best comedian of that day can perform again.
・M-1 competition
This is a site about a contest of comedy. Many comedians are eager to win this contest because they can be famous and get a lot of money. There are many regional competitions, so comedians have to win this regional competition. The comedians with over ten years’ experience can participate the competition.